小型ダイレクトドライブモータのマイクロテック・ラボラトリー > ENGLISH > Case study > The double-armed robot that transmits bodily sensations "GP-Arm"

The double-armed robot that transmits bodily sensations "GP-Arm"

Succeeded in developing a dual-arm robot that transmits bodily sensations

―Equipped with the world's first high-precision force tactile technology―

User:Keio university haptics Research Center/ Nozaki Laboratory in Keio University

Nozaki LaboratoryHP:http://www.fha.sd.keio.ac.jp/jp/nozaki/nozaki.html
Haptics Research Center HP:http://haptics-c.keio.ac.jp/
NEDO news release:https://www.nedo.go.jp/news/press/AA5_100842.html

■By NEDO news release


This robot can transmit the sense of sight, hearing, and moving, and furthermore, it is equipped with the world's first high precision haptic technology which allows the robot to recreate the sense of touch, as if you were directly touching the object. This allows an operator to control the robot with a high sense of presence, even from far away.

Through this robot, the presence and actions of individuals are freed from spatial and temporal restrictions. It is hoped that the technology will replace humans in fields where human labor, time, and effort are required, such as in industry, the household, welfare and care, medical care, and agriculture, and facilitate he automation of tasks, reduce labor, and encourage cooperation between humans and robots.


Main adopted motors

  Model name Product name Remarks


Ultra-small direct drive motor

Outer diameter φ21mm、

Resolution 36,000C/R
Max torque 130mNm



Small sized hollow large diameter direct drive motor

Outer diameter φ40mm、Hollow diameter φ12mm

Resolution 26,000C/R
Max torque 1Nm



Small sized hollow large diameter direct drive motor

Outer diameter φ70mm、Hollow diameter φ25mm

Resolution 65,536C/R
Max torque 3Nm


Hollow-shaft μDD motor with low deceleration ratio gear

Sample delivery in progress  

The reason for adopting μDD motor: High back drivability

By adopting a compact and high torque μDD motor and reducing the reduction ratio, It has become possible to achieve good back drivability that clearly transmits real haptics.

New product by this business consignment


Although it is ultra-compact size, MC-200C series have a high output of up to 25A.

It is developed in collaboration with Nozaki Laboratory,NEDO and Keio University Haptic Research Center,

Customizing support is also possible due to domestic production, quick delivery and low price.

It is ideal for robot hands, Humanoid robot and robot arm.

You can see the product information.